Iwamoto seminar, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University

Welcome to our website. We are studying a wide variety of areas of economics, especially, international economics.


We are studying a wid variety of areas of economics, especially, international economics.
Our teacher is Takekazu Iwamoto, who is a specialist of international economics.

In first semester, we study a basis of international economics by reading in turn.
In second semester, we research in groups.

Study camp

We have a study camp in long vacation, twice a year.
We get to decide where to go, and each of us give presentations.
For example, we have been to Kanazawa, Kinosaki, and Ise.
After the study camp, we go sightseeing.


Some of us study in leisure period voluntarily.
We decide the theme freely. For example, microeconomics, which is the basis of economics, statistics, and econometrics.


Reading in turn

International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition Paul Krugman


ミクロ経済学の力 神取 道宏


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Simulation Analysis of Monetary Policy in the NOEM Framework